Woody Harvesting Effects on Productivity and Biodiversity

Presenter name: Dr. Cornelis van der Waal

Institution: Agri-Ecological Services Namibia

The authors have presented the results they have found during investigations on farm Gabus, Tirol and CCF in the northeastern part of Namibia. The methods employed for the treatment of the farms where Control; where no harvesting took place, Woody Harvesting; where the wood has been removed and Previously Harvested; where the area has been maintained. The study shows that the harvesting treatment has increased the herbaceous productivity, plant biodiversity and the woody plant density in the seedling sapling class size therefore aftercare is important. The study proved that browsers and grazers preferred bush encroached and harvested areas respectively.

The State of Biomass Research and Development in Angola

Presenter name: Dr. Abìlio Santos Malengue

Institution: Universidade Josè Eduardo dos Santos, Angola

Angola has an incentive to promote the replacement of forest biomass fuel since it constitutes more than half of the energy consumed. The energy consumed mainly occurs in the large urban areas due to the increase of urbanization. Angola has about 63.8 kha tree cover. The introduction of the energy efficient stoves aims for the reduction of the over utilization of forest biomass. This section shows some results of data on the biomass research.


Governance and Policy Framework of the Biomass Sector in Namibia

Presenter name: Mr. Angus Middleton

Institution: Namibia Nature Foundation

The author outlines the current governance framework around the biomass sector. It list the economic benefits from the biomass sector which has the potential to generate around N$ 48 billion over a span of 25 years. However, the biomass sector faces governance challenges, which stem from highly specialized ministries not collaborating efficiently on cross cutting issues. The solution would be to bring all the relevant ministries together to discuss their roles and navigate the complex biomass sector. It also raises questions on the required inputs to strengthen the biomass sector.

Comparative Nutritional Analysis of the Tylosema Esculentum (Marama Bean) Germplasm Collection in Namibia

Presenter name: Ms. Paidamoyo Mataranyika

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

This is a study on the nutritional content from 10 accession of marama beans, scientifically known as the Tylosema esculentum germplasm. This research was conducted to find solutions to food security and to combat malnutrition. The study reveals that almost half of the population in Namibia suffer from malnutrition. The author recommends that the marama bean to be incorporated into flours as bio fortification due to their high nutritional content.

The Role of Biomass Research at the Cheetah Conservation Fund Project

Presenter name: Dr. Bruce Brewer

Institution: Cheetah Conservation Fund

CCF was founded in 1990 and it is an international NGO with headquarter in Namibia since 1991. Its mission is to conserve cheetahs by employing core programs of cheetah education to understand the cheetah challenges and to promote alternate livelihoods. CCF has established research programs to mitigate human wildlife conflict. It presents the outcomes of the success of the research. This section shows how the ecology, economy and social entities benefit from CCF’s habitat restoration program.

Bush to Feed Opportunity: A Techno-Economical Review

Presenter name: Mr. Lilongeni Unoovene

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

This is a sub group number 4 in the BUSH project, which is the Techno‐Economical Assessment of Production Technology of Animal Feedstock from Bush is a research group whose aim is to analyze the technology responsible for the conversion of bush to edible animal fodder.

Potential of High-Quality Compost Derived from Encroached Bush

Presenter name: Dr. Ibo Zimmermann

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

A detailed process on the production of high-quality compost produced from the overly abundance of encroacher bush. This presentation shows a visual step by step approach to producing high-quality compost.

Trials on Application of Biochar as Soil Amendment under Irrigation

Presenter name: Dr. Ibo Zimmermann

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

Biochar is used as a soil amendment to improve the soil nutrient by retaining minerals in the soil. Biochar increases the soils ability to retain water and the water holding capacity as well as stimulating soil microbes. This section shows the initial yield results of November 2019 harvest using biochar trials.

Contours and Minerals Protocol for Integrated Biosystems Regenerating Earth (CAMPFIBRE)

Presenter name: Dr. Ibo Zimmermann

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

A symptom of rangeland degradation is bush encroachment, which is nature’s way of using the bush to try and repair water and nutrient cycles. This study discusses the importance of fertility regeneration by bush. Detailed figures of bush filters are shown which illustrate the positive effects on the rangeland.

The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing the Bio-Economy

Presenter name: Mr. Peter Naphtali

Institution: Business and Intellectual Property Authority, Namibia

This organization protects the creations of the mind. This IP is divided into two categories, mainly copyright and industrial property. This organization enforces the rights for the owner to benefit from their creations over a set period of time. The uses of IP are stipulated in this presentation and the governing laws related to IP. It also mentions gaps and challenges pertaining to IP.

Biomass Utilization by Sustainable Harvest

Presenter name: Mr. Chris Aukongo

Institution: Lisha Empowerment & Development, Namibia

The role of scientific research in growing the African bio economy is on the rise. Therefore, it is essential to provide technical services, technologies and equipment with the aim to sustainably carry out bush control. This initiative gives rise to the restoration of the natural environment and rangelands to an improved and balance state. There are a number of organizations purported to drive this initiative to a successful realization of the African bio economy. This section provides recommendations on how to distribute this initiative to benefit both the commercial and communal areas.

Development of Biomass Industry Parks (BIP)

Presenter name: Mr. Felix Flesch

Institution: Trier University of Applied Sciences

Germany has a huge incentive to promote and develop 100% renewable energy from biomass. Namibia has the potential to supply adequate biomass woodchips to replace hard coal and lignite. Some data comparisons on the fuel source are displayed in this section. BIP would provide services such as manufacturing and other service-related businesses. It provides the way forward in regards to the Namibian needs and what the biomass industry strives for to materialize this initiative.

Biomass Utilization for Rural Development around the Biosphere of Yangambi (DRC)

Presenter name: Ms. Mèlissa Rousseau

Institution: The Royal Museum for Central Africa

There is a huge incentive to provide electricity from the utilization of biomass sustainably in the rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They currently use hydroelectricity, solar energy, and wind potential energy, however they proved to be inefficient due to the weather conditions. This section provides solutions aimed at addressing the current tissue on energy in that region.

Feasibility of Bio -Gasification Technology for Rural Off-Grid Electrification in Namibia

Presenter name: Ms. Palyomwene Mutilifa

Institution: Namibia University of Science and Technology

Biomass gasification is a thermochemical conversion process through which combustible material such as biomass is subject to partial combustion in the presence of limited supply of air for which syn gas (combustible gas) is supplied to an engine to generate energy. This section shows the existing gasification plants in Namibia. It also provides data results of the feasibility for rural off-grid electrification.

Regenerative Biomass Utilization by Transdisciplinary Applied Research and Technology Development in Namibia

Presenter name: Mr. Evert Strydom

Institution: Project Manager BUSH Project

Through applied research the author shows a detailed and visual process on the current projects taking place at the university. It describes in detail how the biomass industry is multidisciplinary and how it is integrated to tackle the problems faces with bush encroachment.

Bush to Feed Project UNAM

Presenter name: Ms. Maria de la Puerta

Institution: University of Namibia

 Bush based animal feed production has been on the rise over the past decade due to the shortage of perennial grass. Through sustainable harvest of biomass, encroacher bush could provide a source of food security by adding value to it. This will contribute towards the restoration of the rangelands and enhance draught resilience. This realization is brought through research carried out at the University of Namibia with other biomass related stakeholders. There is also a sustainable use of invasive bush biomass for animal feed in synergy with mushroom production as a strategic approach for food security in Namibia.

Use of Encroacher Bush Branches for Mushroom Production and Determination of the Nutritional Value and Fertilize Value of the Spent Substrate. Self-Funded Research

Presenter name: Ms. Maria de la Puerta

Institution: University of Namibia

This section provides a process on how encroacher bush branches can be used to produce mushrooms. It shows the material and methods required to produce mushrooms and shows the results of mushroom production.